Weekly trend insights for influencers and marketing professionals
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without the extra work.
Spend more time creating great content by letting us feed you the exact trending topics to focus on.
Sarah Rusk,
Marketing Manager
"I used to spend hours on keyword research and staying on top of trending videos for my clients.. Now it's all delivered directly to my inbox every week!"


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and forget.
Quickly set up a series of keywords you would like to monitor, then simply sit back and relax as we deliver the latest trending videos from the last week directly to your inbox.

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Trending videos from TikTok™ and Youtube™ for the last 7 days.

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  • Perfect for influencers of all sizes who want to be able to stay ahead of trends without sinking hours into checking the latest trending videos.

    Receive a weekly trend report for 1 Keyword or Phrase from TikTok.
Content Marketer
Per Month
  • Ideal for marketing professionals who need to stay on top of trending topics for their business.

    Get the latest trending videos for the last 7 days direct to your inbox each week. 

    Receive a weekly trend report for
    3 Keywords or Phrases from TikTok and Youtube.
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  • Designed for agencies that need to keep up with trends across multiple keywords for different clients.

    Take your offer to the next level and Whitelabel our reports to pass on as an extra value add to your customers.

    Receive a weekly trend report for 30 Keywords or Phrases from TikTok and Youtube.
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